Posts tagged morpho
Day 28

I am back! I have been off my game. No, I have just been busy with life stuff. It was Brennan’s birthday on Saturday. It is my husband’s birthday tomorrow. I have been busy planning, preparing, and then cleaning up the messes. It has been fun. But I miss my studio and my old routine.

By the time I get in the studio it is late at night, and I am too tired and busy to write. I miss it, though. So, I will make it a priority this week.

Day 22

(January 31) My husband told me to not talk about the weather anymore, but it’s freaking cold! I have to apologize to the people waiting for packages this week. Mail services is limited because of the temperature. I also haven’t had child care all week, so my communication hasn’t been the best. I hope to catch up when my husband is home this weekend. Thank you for your patience.
