Posts tagged art blog
I'm back, but I never left!

I have just been so busy with art fair season. And it is finally over! Yay! That means I will have more time to paint, and write, and do the things I should have been keeping up with. It’s harder than it looks, you guys. I wish I didn’t require sleep. Because then I might be able to get half of what I need to get done, done.

Day 36

Today’s #MarchMeetTheMaker promt is “how you started”. My compulsion to make things started very young, and just never went away. I was just thinking about this the other day— I got really, REALLY serious about art when I was 15. I was so depressed and lonely as a teenager. Art helped me focus on something other than my misery. There are a lot of reasons why I am an artist, but that is one of the big ones. Around that time I started collecting books and taking classes. It became an obsession. It became therapy for me. It helped me occupy my mind and focus on something beautiful.